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It sounded like a good idea at the time: a Hollywood spy thriller, starring, for the first time in history, an Asian male lead. With an estimated $350 million production budget, and up-and-coming Hong Kong actor, JK Jr, who, let's be honest, is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but probably the hottest, Brood Empire was basically a sure thing. Until it wasn't.


So how did it all fall apart? There were smart guys involved. So smart, so woke. So woke it hurts. There was top-notch talent across the board and the financial backing of a heavyweight Chinese studio. And yet, Brood Empire is remembered now not as a historical landmark that smashed the bamboo ceiling in Hollywood, but rather as a fiasco of seismic proportions.


The Whitewash is the definitive oral history of the whole sordid mess. Unofficial. Unasked for. Only intermittently fact-checked, and featuring a fool's gallery of actors, producers, directors, film historians and scummy clickbait journalists to answer the question of how it all went so horribly, horribly wrong.

The ABIA-winning audiobook broke new ground in the Australian audio publishing industry by featuring a large and diverse cast of fourteen actors, of which eleven had Asian ethnicity.

James Huang A - The Whitewash.png
James Huang B - The Whitewash.png
Tim Potter A - The Whitewash.png
Tim Potter B - The Whitewash.png
Nick Ravenswood A - The Whitewash.png
Nick Ravenswood B - The Whitewash.png
Jing-Xuan Chan A - The Whitewash.png
Jing-Xuan Chan B - The Whitewash.png
Marty Rhone A - The Whitewash.png
Marty Rhone B - The Whitewash.png
Eva Seymour A - The Whitewash.png
Eva Seymour B - The Whitewash.png
Keith Brockett A - The Whitewash.png
Keith Brockett B - The Whitewash.png
Tom Hart A - The Whitewash.png
Tom Hart B - The Whitewash.png
Siang Lu A - The Whitewash.png
Siang Lu B - The Whitewash.png
Berlin Lu A - The Whitewash.png
Berlin Lu B - The Whitewash.png
Daniel Qin A - The Whitewash.png
Daniel Qin B - The Whitewash.png
Jamie Hart A - The Whitewash.png
Jamie Hart B - The Whitewash.png
Ichigon A - The Whitewash.png
Ichigon B - The Whitewash.png
Yen Nguyen A - The Whitewash.png
Yen Nguyen B - The Whitewash.png
The Whitewash audiobook cover.png
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